Friday, August 05, 2005

Random comments

This seems like a good spot to leave room for any of you to post further thoughts on the festival--as a whole, or individual shows, or anything else that's on your mind. (You can do it anonymously if you want, and you don't have to join Blogger if that's the route you choose.) Don't be shy--click on the word "comments" below and speak your mind!


Anonymous said...

Okay, last night I saw Love/Hate: A Hip-Hop Spoken Word Event AT Nietzche's and despite their small audience and a little disorganization, these folks had some real talent and things to say.
I really liked Marvin Junior's poem called Love hates Me and DJ REazon who produced the show has some real hot beats! But the real dessert of the show was Annette Daniels Taylor, that lady can sing!!! And she had some truly meaningful lyrics, she has this thing where she mixes poetry with song creating a kind of poem song. My 2 fav's of hers was one called ALways Love & Her Anti -War song They took you Away, REalpowerful stuff. Keep up the Good work guys. I'm going to try and come back for Sundays show & I hope to check out Annette's Mama Songs at ther Dance Studio today or tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Gabriel Bouliane, I don't know how many people have seen her show If You Can't Stand the Heat Get Out Of The Redhead. But if you havn't seen it you should! She has so much to say and her delivery! I enjoyed listening to her work so much. She so cool, she's so cool, she's so cool, cool,cool. Last night she had a good audience. We laughed , we thought, we laughed and thought again! It was better than CAts! I'd see it again and again.
Thanks Gabriel, truly inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I saw The Stripteasers show last night @ Rust Belt Books, what a funny bunch of people!!!
Afterwards DJ Reazon and I compared it to what Saturday Night Live use to be like you know the late 70's -80's casts.
While it was going on I kept thinking I should've brought my oldest daughter, who is in middle school, because she would've laughed herself silly!
The show we saw was more pg13 for language and suggested sexual situations more than anything but unlike so many tasteless talentless television that has aired the sketches and scenes that we witnessed were full of humor and wit! IF you haven't seen it you should.

Anonymous said...

I loved "Mother DisCourage"...the actors were really professional, especially their comic timing! Kudos to Kurt Schneiderman for venting our collective rage at this war for us! although it was really steamy inside the Rust Belt Books, nobody cared because they were really enjoying the play. I felt like I was back in the 60s in Greenwich Village. Too bad we didn't learn anything from the war back then. Thank you Kurt, and actors...Joni Russ

Anonymous said...

WOW this is Kinda creepy because my name is Kate Parzych and yeah there is another one. lol but at the same time it's kinda cool lol well bye bye