Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Iffys are (almost) here again!

Infringement is all about thinking things up and then doing them--sometimes really fast. Case in point: during the 2006 festival, Kurt S. got the bright idea to create a tongue-in-cheek awards ceremony for the Closing Night Party. Think of the "Iffy" Awards as every bit as DIY as the festival itself. We made up a dozen or two categories, wrote them on paper plates, and handed them out at Nietzsche's.

This year's bright idea--which 'll take credit for--was opening up the awards committee even farther. Now you can:

a. Head to Rust Belt Books before about, oh, 6:30 p.m. or so on Sunday and look for this box right next to the front door:

(There are already about 8-10 instant winners in the box.)

2. Or you can come to Staples (on the early iside) or the party, grab a paper plate or two, and start creating Iffies then and there.
3. Or post your winner(s) in the comments section of this blog, or email them to me (use: ronehmke @, by 5 pm. Sunday.

So do it! See you at the party....

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