Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Up For Round Two

Sunday night I promised the youngsters in Qualia I'd have a review posted sometime in the next few's seventy-some hours and counting, so here goes...
Actually, I'm going to condense things and discuss two bands here. It's really hot, I'm lazy, and these bands share a few things in common.
I was sorta iffy when I saw the band dragging their gear in. Buncha earnest white kids that met (most of them) at City Honors. Young!! Perhaps toying with the whole rock star thing??? No; Qualia is composed of some serious musicians who have studied their craft, are comfortable with their instruments, know what they like, and know what they want to say. Sorta trippy, they describe their output as "Experimental music rooted in jazz, psychedelia, and progressive rock". (King Crimson?; no, Mogwai, etc. A friend of mine heard the psychedelia moniker and dismissed them as an, eww, jam band) They've put some effort into their myspace website, too, including the requisite video. The group consists of Jon Emerling, James Warren, Adam Fix, and Harvey Barnes; I forget who's attatched to what 'cuz it's been a few days, but definitely MORE than a worth see!!!
As is Dali's Ghost. Last night, one woman sitting next to me (who I recognized from yoga class) looks at me incredulously and says, "I can't believe I never heard of them!!!!!!" Exactly!! Perhaps a few (very few) years older than the kids upstairs, these guys have logged some serious miles in pursuit of their sound. Stylisticaly versatile, their music includes funky baselines, wailing guitars, aggressive drumming, on-target vocals, and the occasional trumpet. They switch from guitarbased rock to jazzy riffs to ballads and back seamlessly. Having a frontman with the allure of Kurt Cobain (but living) will not hurt their popularity.
Both bands will be playing @ Soundlab's Psychedelic Infringement on Friday, along with Fountainhead and Drivers to Warsaw, whom I have yet to see.
I plan on heading over.
Oh, additional comment, the back room at Staples is small, but has a really good sound. Nice addition to the venue option for smaller shows. Thanks, Adrian.

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