Thursday, August 02, 2007

Not the kind of record I'm proud of

I'm not positive, but there's a pretty good chance that Wednesday, August 1, 2007 marked the first day in the three-year history of Buffalo Infringement that I did not attend a single event. (I did add about 30 brand-new envelopes to the "Self-Infringement" box and create a last-minute poster for Shakespeare in the Parking Space, but that doesn't really count.)

You may also have noticed that I've slacked a bit in my posting scene reports and show reviews--I've got plenty to say, and still hope to catch up before the festival ends, but after devoting most of my waking hours to festival-related tasks for the past month, I am so unbelievably behind on my actual paying job that I could work all day and all night and still be swamped.

So here's another opportunity for those of you who don't feel like joining the blog (which you're always welcome to do) to post your own thoughts about the festival in the comments section.

What shows have you seen so far that you loved? Hated?
Which ones are you looking forward to this weekend?
Which ones did you miss completely?
Which ones have you heard good (or bad) things about?
What's the first thing you intend to do when the festival ends and normal life resumes?

And so on. Feel free to add questions of your own and answer those, too.

Because I can't resist, and in a desperate attempt to make up for posts I haven't written yet, I'm gonna post my own replies as a comment and hope that others follow suit.


Ron E. said...

I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

Shows I loved: Epicenter installation @ Rust Belt, Beta Cloud/Aidan Baker @ Soundlab

Really, really liked: Theater of Truth(s) @ Scenoart, Letters to the World (only caught the second act)

Hated: None!

Looking forward to this weekend: 3's Confusion @ Squeaky tonight, Exception & the Rule, Concerto, Triple Flicker, Squid Ink (IF THEY SHOW UP, grrrr), Audition Day, Tell-Tale Heart, Real/Not Real, Midsummer Dyke's, Divas, For Want of a Hero, Braces, bunch more I can't remember off the top of my head

Which ones did you miss completely: Axeman's Jazz, Genuflektors (playing their final gig RIGHT NOW at Steel Crazy, dammit), Raggdon & Elwyn (sad to see it cancelled)--THIS QUESTION IS BUMMING ME OUT, SO I WILL MOVE ON TO THE NEXT ONE

Which ones have you heard good (or bad) things about: Axeman, Tell-Tale, Exception & Rule (all good things)

What's the first thing you intend to do when the festival ends and normal life resumes: sleep!

Anonymous said...

I agree, I really, really liked Theater of Truth(s). It was a powerful installation. It had the power to focus and them relax you. Yes, very meditative, very good.