Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lone Ranger summarizes the last few.....

Sunday night and I'm dog-tired but GUILTY because this is the first legit entry I've made on the blog for BiF '08.

Taking a slightly different perspective this year because of my other responsibilities with the 'fest, you'll (I hope) see me doing some reviews of the venues I've been in while happily enjoying the role of CONSUMER.

Going back to Friday, comments must be made about Christina Wos Donnely's reading of
" The Largely Unexpurgated History of Scheherezade". I was acting as venue czar @ the Nina Freudenheim gallery on North, and was thus obligated to be there. Fortunate to be there as well....wonderful poem: moving story, gorgeous language, evocative delivery. The performance and the spare, elegant setting were absolutely complementary.

Christina confessed that she was led to this poem by her interest in harems, from a feminist perspective.

Thrilled with the experience, I purchased "Venus Afflicted", a collection of her poems that have me equally impressed. Not an easy thing to do; I find poetry a difficult medium.

Then shot west to Burnwood, which is the space I've been vibing on being spectacular while planning for this thing. The instincts were correct. A massive red stone warehouse on the far west side, this venue has a (recently) roughed out gallery in one room, and a cavernous performance space with stage and open sound booth in another. Bryan Lohr and two friends have been residing there for about a year-and-a-half (with very few of the usual amenities), getting rid of the inventory of antiques that came with the building, and getting it in shape for events such as this one, plus studios. Artspace, beware!

Qualia was playing while I was there. This has to be the half-dozenth time I've seen them play; always professional, always enjoyable. (see review from '07)

Yesterday I described in a lazy comment under Ron's latest narrative. Today; oops, garden walk and sprucing up my new home. Tomorrow I'm back on track. And you?

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