Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What did I miss? What SHOULDN'T I miss? Etc.

The fates scheduled an out-of-town trip for me that made me miss the first 5 days of the festival, and left me too tired to venture out on Night 6. Now I'm stuck catching up with work and will surely miss even more. Still, I want to hear from folks about:
•great shows I missed completely (guess I'm a masochist)
•great stuff you've seen that is coming back later in the festival
and maybe even
•things I should be glad I didn't see.

The posts from Curt R and Chris and Vendetta have given me some sense of all of the above, but I want to hear more more more, especially from those of you who haven't spoken up thus far. I can at least experience the festival highlights vicariously, after all.

1 comment:

curt rotterdam said...

see the band from deleware, minos conway. support the aug second show at soundlab for qualia and needle up.
see... , i mean hear, audio oddssey at allendale. see axis of evil at hallwalls. see kurt's play. see peanut brittle satellite, go to merlins thursday night. blalh blah blah blah blah