Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cunning Linguists

In the venerable tradition of "Snap Judgements" this writer is so excited (damn!) about her attendance at the first Infringement installment of "The Art of Ypsilform Dining" this coming (shit!) Saturday that I have to review it BEFORE I'm there.
First, caesandra, thank you for your role as a community service provider. Sorely (oops) needed in this town (I speak from the perspective of a gracefully aging heterosexual female).
Per my observation, the heterosexual male audience at last Saturday's pre-Infringement bash (where a teaser was provided) was divided into two camps: the "I could GIVE this workshop" contingent, and the "Will there be live demos?' crew. I jest; actually this seems like an enlightened batch of folk.
Discussion about this workshop proved fodder for some highly entertaining conversation at the Left Bank last night, as the Infringement calendar worked its way across the bar. A bartender I'll call Jeffrey confirmed my suspicion (with his expertise as the poor man's, well, not POOR, it was the Left Bank....counselor) that cunnilingus is highly preferred to straight..poor choice of words..simple intercourse. Statistically, anecdotally.
I really just want to see who has the stones to show up.
A real review to be posted later.....G'night, all.

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