Tuesday, July 31, 2007

day one.

Well what can I say, so much cool stuff i have seen....

Day 1:

I checked out Rust Belt for the Ed Powell thing. Cool. What a great display.

Nietzsche's! The kick off!!!! - Rap of 3 varieties, classical/ folk rock, and well.... some art with instruments, free expression to say the least. Loved every minute of it. MC Vendetta commanded the audiences attention, with spoken word and song. Insightful, inspiring, and at points side spitting hysterical. The Genuflecktor's were really cool, first time I've seen the trio. Josh Gage also did an great job running the event. Z Mann Zilla, I have deep respect for since we work together often. While it may have not been the best Zilla outing. He still danced a good jig and drew some cool shit while doing it. MasterPeace Soicety, from the falls, cool cats, enjoyed meeting them. Had a techinical snag with their audio track but still delivered. Check em out if you can at the wrap up. The last act was "Forgotten Figures Fighting Over A Piece Of Bread" (or something). They presented a sound collage of acoustic and electric guitar, ramblings and poetry, a hammer hitting a makeshift metal xylophone with great enthusiasm. All in all a great evening, including an impromptu Joke / Story by the Rated R Superstar. Finally the kid made me laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rockstar! Rated-R Rockstar! Kid? Three dudes think 17. Four people think 23. One chick thinks 28. I don't know....