Monday, July 30, 2007

Sunday, all day

So much to see, so little time. Running way behind on my reviews; there's stuff going as far back as Saturday that I have yet to comment on. Hope to catch up by tomorrow, which is our lightest day in the schedule. Looking AT tomorrow, quick thumbs up for "Axeman's Jazz", Dali's Ghost (a taste from the College Street Block Party), and of course, MC Vendetta. I think both of us (that would be, two or, 2) that have ventured a comment thus far, have pointed out her facility with the language that neither had appreciated adequately before. Ron described her as a "wordsmith" (a favorite term of mine) which I concur with wholeheartedly.
Yesterday was, uh, recent, but already blurring, so let me just outline the streetscape....arrived at the tail end of the College Street Block Party, missed the Global Village Idiots to my chagrin; highly recommmended by at least two people I know. Caught much of Ramforinkus. They'll be at my venue Thursday, so more details then, but definitely a worth-see! Dali's Ghost made an unscheduled appearance, as well. More on them tomorrow, when I catch a full set.
My background in art criticism is lacking, but I must admit I'm attracted to Jason Klinger's work; really chaotic and visceral. Hard to avoid. He was putting the finishing touches on this massive piece hanging on the outside wall of Samples when I did a quick walk-thru. He also has a number of pieces (oil on canvas) hanging in Staples, with a book on the back mantel for commentary. Lotsa commentary! Check it out. Post it here.
Later (much), and inside by now, a short set by the Master Peace Society, followed by Qualia. There was some initial confusion with the schedule; I actually had thought I heard that they would be jamming together, which was retrospectively ludicrous given their disparate styles. Both groups skilled, though, both thoroughly enjoyable, both in command of their audience. I promised the kids in Qualia a full-length review; it's forthcoming. In the meantime, check out their page @ They'll be a part of the Psychedelic Infringement Show @ Soundlab on Friday. The Master Peace Society will be back with their rotating cast of characters and mindful raps to close the Festival off next Sunday.
Tonight, a series of Summer Shorts @ Staples. Heavy on the superlatives here, as well, but I gotta work tomorrow, so we'll talk then.

1 comment:

chris uebbing said...

On closer investigation, that may be acrylic on canvas.