Thursday, July 26, 2007

First Night (not to be compared to another event of a decidedly different ilk)

First foray into Infringement 2007 started with a standing-room only fledgling performance of "CSI:Buffalo"; the half-hour skit parodying the popular prime-time TV show and its' spawn. This one-woman show received polite attention as the comic (who remains unknown by this reporter, clearly lacking in the most rudimentary of detective skills) segued loosely from the predicted format to standup and back again.
Street noise and the humidity were an early distraction.
One young fan in the front in particular seemed to get all the in-jokes accesible to fans of the series(es?). Seems like Buffalo crime solving is light on the forensics, and high on.....intuition???? Humor?
Plenty of opportunity for the show to tighten up a bit, as performances extend though August 5th at the College Street Gallery.

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